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Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland

BPP Portal

Welcome to the page of the Dutch patent office

The Benelux Patent Platform is a large-scale project implemented for the Benelux countries (Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxemburg) in the field of patents. It constitutes a set of IT applications and infrastructure for supporting the establishment, processing and tracking of each of the key patent elements throughout all the stages of the patent life-cycle.


eFiling offers online services that allow you to create and to file patents electronically, as well as to create and send other patent-related documents electronically to the NL IPO.


MyPage is a highly secure online application for electronic access to the files of your patents/applications at the Netherlands Patent Office.  


eRegister comprises bibliographic data of the patent Register as described in the Patent's Law but also the full text patents and the correspondence between the Patent Office and the applicants


In this section, the Netherlands Patent Office will post news items about Patent Registration processes and BPP systems.