About « the NL Patent register »


According to the Dutch Patent Act 1995, the Dutch patent register is managed by the Dutch Patent Office. The Dutch patent register contains information on published Dutch patent applications and patents from 1912 onwards, granted European patents valid for the Netherlands from 1978 onwards, applications for special protection certificates and granted certificates, and registered topographic design for semi-conductor products.

You can use a very advanced search engine, that will enable you to find the items you want from the patent register. Searching can be done with the help of either more or less extended search screens.

The NL Patent register is available in two languages (Dutch and English). It is possible to select and save certain results in a patent list (‘My patents’).

The full text of recently published patents is accesible through Esp@cenet (www.espacenet.nl).

Patent data are regularly updated by the system of the Dutch Patent Office.

The last update took place on 12-11-2024 04:35:41.

The NL Patent register does not require any subscription and is available for all.

The NL Patent register provides a daily feed of selected bibliographical data on European patents in Netherlands to the Federated Register Service of the European Patent Office. The NL-Federated Register Service contents information sheet is available via the following link .